Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Lotus Flower

I'm in love with this man. I find his voice and (Radiohead's) music the most beautiful stuff out there. How he can get so much emotion in his voice, and create powerful songs with simple guitar picking is a gift (do I sound weird?). I feel... lucky to have Radiohead.
Also, check out the zoom on that camera! I fucking love technology. That we can access music and share things and etc etc. You couldn't do this when I was a kid. And that was only like, 5 years ago.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


Running With Scissors

Managed to watch it twice in under 24 hours. My dad doesn't get these sort of films. He has no appreciation for anything plot driven. There weren't any car chases or explosions, and that's where his interests lie. My mam on the other hand managed to get choked up and cry-y in all the right places. I was pretty impressed. I don't really want to draw up on the parallels between the characters in the film and myself and my mother, but "drug filled crazy woman has gay son" rings a few bells.

Tomorrow is Synecdoche, New York night. Hope for the best.

Saturday, 20 February 2010


This blog's gonna get me in trouble

I love writing. If I had a tablet, or a scanner, I would hand write entries. There is nothing more beautiful than handwriting. Not my handwriting. Anyone's handwriting. Handwritten letters and poems are the best.
So, I've just watched Running With Scissors. It's quite similar to Synecdoche, New York, in terms of plot and structure. Not that either of these films really have a plot or structure, but the abundance of emotion and actual talented acting in both these films is overwhelming. Films seem to be the only things nowadays that make me cry. I guess I get sucked in by fiction. I've cried at books before, of course. I need to start reading again. If anyone knows of any other films in a similar vein to Running With Scissors and Synecdoche, New York, let me know. Hopefully one day I'll be involved in the creative processes of something similar. I need to start writing again. What the hell am I thinking with Lego? I'm thinking I might be able to create something trendy for my limited portfolio. I found a USB webcam today, even though the quality will be worse, at least it'll be more flexible than a lens attached to my screen.

So yeah, I'm feeling inspired. And I know it's almost 6AM here, and I'm up in a couple of hours, but it seems worth it. I'm having a good time with films at the moment. I watched Grave of the Fireflies this morning when I woke up. My initial reaction was "this is slow, this is boring". After it'd set in, I've realised it's beautiful. I like that word at the moment, notice? I'm hopefully showing my parents Synecdoche tomorrow, but I know, I KNOW then won't like it. They won't understand why I like it. They won't see what I see in it. But I don't care. They might like it. And it's worth a try, right?

Grace, thank you for getting me to watch Running With Scissors, finally. I keep getting inspired. That's good. Thanks everyone.

Friday, 19 February 2010


Opening scene?

Here's the opening scene, I guess. It'll be redone if I get a new camera. I'm appalled at how bad it all is. I spent over an hour on this as well. Oh, and I won't be able to film anything once I get back to the UK, as the Lego is all my brother's.
Basically, Mr Ginger Fringe Mob Boss is, for some reason, in charge, and has our hero captive. Over the course of the 8 second scene, he gets his lackey to shoot our hero in the face, then it goes black. I forgot to change the frame rate again, which is why it all goes mega fast.
So many technical issues, you have NO idea. Had to use an old DVD player and loads of VHS cases to prop the Lego set up in front of the webcam as it's inbuilt into my laptop. Then there's lighting. The only available light is a lamp that's way too bright and yellow. Which is why everything goes blue towards the end. Hard to believe that tiny video has 93 frames, right?


this'll have to do for now. If I get any comments, the word 'comments' gets in the way of the title for each post. I know how to fix this, but the thing won't update. Not sure why, really. But I like this theme. I've stolen it from someone else and changed it a little bit, and when I can be bothered sorting out Photoshop on this, I'll draw a new banner or something. I'm thinking of adding some light green to this, yeah?

I'm gonna go and do something and update later on, gonna try caring about this blog again!
If there are any problems be sure to let me know! exclamation mark!

edit: Okay, so I've done a bit of research on YouTube and my sea monster explode thingy was slightly too ambitious. I'm thinking of writing an entire script and doing a drama. Oh wait, with Lego instead of real stuff. I've also just found out that neither my parents nor my brother own a digital camera, so I'm limited to using just the webcam on my laptop. Ah well. I'll be back.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Fly Trapped In A Jar?

I've neglected the blog again! Yeah! Reading this blog always seems to inspire me to just bloody get on with it and type. I've had a draft blog post sitting around for ages with the title 'Childhood Books' which I really need to get round to writing. It'll be a good one, I promise.
Right, where to begin?

I'm in France at the moment, visiting parents and having a free skiing holiday. It's not all that bad. I'm not entirely sure where to begin, the mundane, tedious life of Carlisle doesn't really matter all that much. I'm not really doing anything. Work didn't give me any hours for the week before I left, so I guess my job's finished. Oh, I'm seeing someone too, but i'm very uncertain as to whether or not it'll work at all.

As anyone may have noticed from my Twitter feed this evening, I've started a project. A media project, if you can believe that. I'm finding myself with little to do on a night time here, as I can only sit in and lounge about.

Lego. Yes, Lego. And stop motion. You see where I'm going? I made a few of these when I was about 10, using a webcam. Hopefully it won't come out really childish. I'm sure I can keep some amount of professionalism flowing, though. I have no idea as to storyline or plot. I spent an hour slowly filming a weird sea monster thing climb out of a Lego sea. It doesn't look great. I'll upload it anyway. I'm going to change everything and make a serious drama or something, does that sound good? It sounds good.

So, this skiing holiday is a bit weird. Kit and all the boys from Brighton are here (his dad owns a holiday home here, friends with my parents etc.) (oh, and I drunkenly tried to kiss Kit once. That was awkward.), so I've been trying to ski with them. I'm not sure why, but this time I'm just better than them. And they sit about on the slopes way too much. I get frustrated. This is the first time I feel quite fit and active. Although I'm probably not. I've stopped snacking, and really feel like I'm exercising and stuff when skiing. And stuff.
There are these three posh lads staying in the village as well. I tried to socialise, talk to these complete strangers, let them know that they're allowed to talk to other English kids. Um, no. I thought I was withdrawn. These were social retards. Scary stuff.

I'm going to try redesigning this blog at some point too. I've come up with the crazy notion that "Fly trapped in a jar" is better than "a wolf at the door". Who knows? Might work. We'll see.

Oh, shit. I forgot to change the frame rate. Oh well. Pretend it's a little bit slower.