Pretty much straight after my last post, I lent back in my chair, crushing the wire for my laptop charger. My new charger arrived yesterday, and by that time I was feeling entirely too demotivated to write on here. Motivation's back. I read a blog before that I saw linked through a comment on an article about Twitter on The Guardian's website and remembered I have a blog myself.
I've thought of hundreds (exaggeration right there) of Blog titles or whatever. No, wait. Subjects. Subjects to write about. But I've forgotten most of them. I'll try.
I'm still trying to find a job here. I haven't been entirely pro active about the whole thing, I've only given about three CVs out. Ah, yes: on Friday I saw a post online for some restaurant "Antidot" looking for workers. I found the address, looked at a map, but was unable to print it out, so tried to memorise it. I had to take a tram, which I thought would get me at least half way there. It didn't. I got lost. I asked someone for help. He couldn't understand me. I ended up walking the four or five miles to the edge of Montpellier to find some (quite trendy) bloody restaurant on an industrial estate. They'd already found someone, of course. Then I had to walk back.
We had a party that night which was too full of drugs and smoke.
I was hungover the next morning. Did nothing.
We had another, smaller gathering that night, which I enjoyed a lot more. There were only about ten of us this time, and I managed to talk to almost everyone.
The next day (I'm aware this is being written in a poor fashion) we sat in and watched films and stuff. Requiem for a Dream. I'd been putting off watching it, don't know why. I was very, very skeptical in the beginning but it turned out to be completely amazing, really. I was rather taken aback. The girls in this house like watching The Vampire Diaries, a shit American serialised drama about, guess, vampires.
Today, Janou sort of told me (oh and my British dictionary plugin isn't working. great.) that I need to get my act together and go out and get a job. In less words than that, obviously. She also told me that she's got a friend looking to co-rent an appartment with someone. If I had money (I have around €1300, which I shouldn't just go and spent), I'd be entirely up for it. I'm probably still going to go for it, if I can go and sign on or something. Need a job.
Janou told me to sign up for Couch Surfers (a [dodgy] 'non-profit' organisation which supports backpackers) and I did. I found an post on the Montpellier board for two guys who want a bassist and drummer
also fuck it it's hard thinking in english this much
so I called the guy before, David Gael. It was actually much easier to call him then I'd imagined it would be, and it seemed he spoke English. He writes in French, as a singer and acoustic guitarist. I think there's another guy playing acoustic in his band as well, and he says he likes Radiohead, although they don't play anything like Radiohead, which is fine, because The Turks loved Radiohead, but we never did anything like them at all. The advert had been up for five days and I don't think anyone had replied yet. This sounds promising. I'm going to meet him in.. one hour. Exciting stuff. I'll try and take him for a drink or something instead of merely picking a CD up off him. I hope he's somewhere close to my age, etc. Actually that shouldn't matter. Oh well.
Music in France is different to music in the UK. Not sure why.
Instead of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, they have la, si, ... and sol is G. I don't get it. Hopefully these guys can teach me a bit.
I'm starting to feel (probably imaginary) tension in this house after a week of living here mostly because to everyone here I seem to just sit in all the time. I can't go and get more CVs printed off yet because I have no USB stick, damn it. Also I'd rather just be on holiday and live cheaply and not spend money. As long as I have internet, food, music and sleep (all of which I can afford), I'll be happy here. Difficult to please yourself and not care about others when you're imposing on others. Not imposing, but. This post is long.
So yeah, anyway. The lyrics in the title come from The World At Large by Modest Mouse, from Good News For People Who Love Bad News, and mean something to me how American is this. Well anyway, even though I do no writing (OH YEAH REMIND ME TO WRITE), barely read, and whatever, I've always got my words and hopefully, got my friends. "still" is a very important word also.
Another idea I had was to write a screenplay (right? or script whatever) called
Guilt, or How Frantic Changed My Life. I'm not sure where the guilt comes in yet, nor any ideas about characters or anything (in fact a play would be better), but it comes from my mother drunkenly shouting at me "you're a stupid fucking twat!" while she wanted to watch Frantic (old Harrison Ford film in Paris) one night a few weeks ago. It being set in France, and my being a foreigner in France, I could watch this film and draw parallels between my (ha, my) character and Harrison Ford's character in that film. Surely you don't need right from whatever film company to write that script. Anyway, it would all be fictional but stem from that. Sound good? I'd hope so.
Also, one of the girls who lives here got married to some guy last Friday, who's staying here. I don't think I like him. Or her. I don't know. It just feels tense.
I've just moved out for the first, no, second (no, third), time and already I want to move out. I guess I'll never stay fixed to one place. Also how do I make it look like I've been active all day when Janou gets back from uni? I don't think I can. Oh well. I'll pounce and tell her I'm meeting someone at six. That'll impress her, hopefully. (although, I still haven't made the effort to get a job. oh well.)
Thanks for reading.